
The Difference an XLS and an XLSX File

Change is hard—especially when it comes to software updates.

Microsoft Excel has been a vital tool for decades. Accountants, analysts, and more rely on Excel to calculate and present data. When iconic software changes, confusion is inevitable.

XLSX rolled out with the release of Microsoft Excel 2007. XLS had been the default file format from its initial release in 1985 up until 2003. Naturally, people got used to the old version.

Even though XLSX has been the default file format for Excel since 2007, confusion remains. Outdated versions of Excel are still being used, which means the XLS format is still relevant. 

So if you’re asking yourself what the difference between the two is, you’re in the right place. Here are a few distinctions between XLS and XLSX files.

The Differences Between XLS and XLSX

XLS and XLSX both refer to the file extension of an Excel document. The most significant difference is that XLS is in a Binary File Format while XLSX is in Open XML format. XLSX is the latest version of Excel’s file extension and has been the default extension since 2007. Besides the main difference, there are a few other key differences between the two file extensions.

1. Reader Accessibility

When you save an Excel file as XLS, the data is readable on all versions of Microsoft Excel. This is important for users who share their Excel files. Not all users have the most recent version of Excel.

If you plan on sharing your Excel files, saving your file as XLS may be the safest route to take. XLSX files are only automatically readable on Excel versions released after 2007. If you’re sharing XLSX files, take care to check the version of your recipient’s Excel.

2. Speed Performance

Since XLS files are in a binary format, the time it takes to open the file is quick. Even if your file includes complex data sets and formulas, XLS files load the fastest.

XLSX files open much slower than its counterpart. For XLSX files with complex data sets, you may find yourself waiting longer for your Excel file to open. Unless you’re document is full of graphs and images, the increased load time won’t harshly impact you.

3. Workbook Size Difference

XLS and XLSX file formats differ in how many rows and columns you can use within the document. In XLS files, you can use up to 65,536 rows and 256 columns.

In XLSX files, you can use up to 1,048,576 rows and 16,384 columns. That’s a huge difference! Keep in mind that the more rows and columns you use up in your XLSX, the slower your file will load.

If you’re planning on creating massive data sets, XLSX is the right choice. Despite the longer load time, you’ll have access to more rows and columns in your document. 

4. Macro availability

XLSX files are not capable of handling macros while XLS files are. If you plan on using macros in your documents to automate tasks, opt for XLS. The XLSX file format cannot support macros.

You can save your XLSX document as XLSM. This will make your workbook macro-enabled. Keep in mind that some processes can only exist in XLSX files. Converting to XLSM may prevent you from using some XLSX-only processes.

5. Feature availability

XLSX files provide more features than XLS files. XLSX is the default file format for the latest version of Excel. This means you have access to Excel’s the newest capabilities.

The newer versions of Excel have more formatting and filtering features that may not transfer over to XLS files after conversion. Additionally, more functions are available to users who own the newest versions of Excel.

Feature availability is essential to keep in mind when choosing a file format. If you plan on changing the format down the line, you may run into some issues with compatibility. XLS files may not be able to handle some of the fancy features in an XLSX file. 

What to Do When Your File Is the Wrong Format

Even if you understand which file format works best for you, you may not have access to it. A simple solution is to upgrade (or downgrade) to the Excel version that works best for you. That’s not always the best option.

Luckily, there’s another path you can take.

An easy way to change the file format in your document is to use a file conversion software. File converters turn your Excel file into the format of your choosing. The best part? It’s free.

For example, if you own an older version of Excel with XLS as the default file format, you can convert XLS into XLSX using a free file conversion website. You can convert XLSX into XLS for free, as well.

If you need to convert your document into a macro-enabled workbook (XLSM), you can convert it similarly to how you’d convert your file into XLS. The XLSM conversion option is available when you save your file. 

The best part about file conversion software is that they offer plenty of file conversion options. 

Before converting your files, keep in mind that some features are exclusive to specific file formats. Converting your Excel document from XLSX to XLS may lead to missing features and fewer columns and rows. Be sure to check your document for potential losses before converting.

The Next Steps

Understanding the difference between XLS and XLSX is half of the battle. Now is the time to ask yourself which file format is best for your Excel projects.

If you prefer to use a version that has more robust features and capabilities, XLSX is the format for you. XLS is an excellent option for those that want a simple and quick-loading spreadsheet tool for small data sets. Knowing what version your team uses also helps avoid conversion issues.

When in doubt, you can always convert your document using a file conversion tool. Offdrive provides a free file conversion tool with options beyond XLS and XLSX. Check out the Offdrive blog for software tips while you convert your files!