Interesting Reasons Why Tech Companies Love to Convert PDF To GIF

“One does not simply walk into Mordor” is the feeling of many a marketer and manager when it comes to getting into the GIF game. It also happens to be one of the oldest and most popular GIFs.

But while some companies are too timid to become proficient in the use of GIFs in their materials—dank or otherwise—there are others which are embracing this new medium of communication. And these are tech companies. 

Tech companies tend to be at the cutting edge of things (it is their job after all, and trust them to know how to convert a PDF to GIF first), so this already might be an indication that the rest of us straight-laced lot should consider following their GIF rich example.  

But, where things really get interesting is when one takes a look at the reasons why tech companies are using GIFs (hint, it’s not just about the fun). If you are curious to find out these reasons, read on. Because we are about to reveal just what tech companies get out of using GIFS in their marketing. 

GIF=Attention=Precious Commodity

It’s no secret that we are bombarded by content daily. Couple that with the fact that our attention spans are said to be only 8 seconds these days, it can be pretty hard to get people to read one’s marketing material.

Walls of text, no matter how well crafted and broken up, are bound to chase away even the most diligent of readers. But GIFs, on the other hand, grab attention automatically. What can be more attention-grabbing than an animated image relentlessly bobbing around on one’s screen?

This makes GIFs a powerful media type to utilize and is one of the reasons why tech companies love and use them. 

It’s Great for User Guides

It’s safe to say that user guides have to be one of the most boring and hard to read content types under the sun. What normal person enjoys reading a user manual?

Most of us probably give up before we even halfway in. 

Enter the GIF.

Because GIFs draw attention effortlessly they are ideal for use in tedious material. But not only can they keep readers engaged, but in the case of user guides, GIFs can also be effectively used for visually demonstrating an action required on the part of the user. 

This simple benefit of GIFs allows them to be able to transform an almost unbearable and tiring guide into an effortless transfer of instructions. 

It Boosts Branding

What is branding made up of? Visual stuff. Logos, color schemes, fonts, and illustrations are the bricks and motor of branding. Because branding is made up largely of visual elements (as it is the ‘face’ or persona of a brand) this is another place where GIFs can fit right in. 

And no, we are not talking about random GIFs off of Giphy of course. Branded GIFs are animated images that tie in with a brand’s theme. For example, if your company has a mascot, you could transform a version of this into a branded GIF. 

If you were wondering what company would do such as thing, think Google and Schweppes.

They Help Companies to Stay Relevant

One of the biggest challenges that face big companies is the problem of staying relevant, up-to-date and relatable.

GIFs can help to combat all three of these challenges in one foul sweep. Because what can be more relevant, relatable and on-trend than a really good GIF?

Companies that utilize GIFs are bound to give the impression that they are keeping up with the times and that they are made up of human beings rather than being a corporate machine. 

GIFs Have the Power to Increase Revenue

Yes, it’s true. GIFs have the power to increase your revenue.

A case study of Dell’s GIF rich marketing campaign showed a 42% increase in their campaign click-through rate… And a 109% increase in revenue. 

It goes without saying that Dell’s marketing campaign was well designed to start off with and that their incorporation of GIFs was well thought out. But this is a strong illustration of how the use of GIFs can catch people’s attention and increase the effectiveness of your marketing efforts. 

To the point where it can even impact your revenue. 

They Are Better Than a Photo but Cheaper Than Video

A picture that moves is much more effective at drawing attention and interest and conveying information than a picture that doesn’t. This is why video has fast become one of the most effective forms of content. 

At the same time, video can be costly to produce and resource hungry for a company to put out consistently and at a pace. 

GIFs, on the other hand, combine the best of both media types. Almost as cheap to produce as a picture, GIFs are also way cheaper to put together than videos. 

How to Convert PDF to GIF

Okay, it’s easy to see that GIFs can provide a host of easy-to-reap benefits. But how does one go about transforming a PDF into a GIF?

Well, in previous times you had to go through a cumbersome process on Windows which involved opening paint, making screenshots and all manner of tortuous paths to get to the point where you had your GIF file. Or you had to use a form of special PDF conversion software.

Nowadays however you simply use an online converter tool—such as ours—to convert your PDF in a matter of minutes. 

So… Don’t Be a Stiff… Have Fun with GIFs!

It’s easy to do and can have a huge impact on your marketing materials… And even your bottom line. So don’t be a stiff, get out there and have fun with GIFs!

There are so many benefits that can be reaped from the use of GIFs, that you simply can’t afford to not take advantage of them.

If you have any other files to convert, besides PDF to GIF, be sure to check out our full list of free converters