odt file

Everything You Need to Know About an ODT File

More than a billion people might use Microsoft Word, but that doesn’t mean it’s the only word-processing software out there. Many of these other options save in formats other than the familiar DOC or DOCX format, though. It’s a good idea to get familiar with them, even if you are a Word user.

One of the other common file types people encounter is an ODT file. You may use a program that saves to ODT or you may have received one from a friend or coworker.

If that’s the case, you might have questions, like where do these files come from, and how do you open them? This guide will tell you everything you need to know to work effectively with ODT files.

The Basics of the ODT File

First things first. What is an ODT file and where does it come from?

The .odt file extension is a type of text document, similar to Word’s DOCX format. It’s most commonly associated with Apache OpenOffice suite, specifically OpenOffice Writer.

“ODT” actually stands for “OpenDocument Text.” This identifies it as being a document created with open-source software and specifies it as a text type file.

It’s not only used by OpenOffice Writer, though. Other freeware and shareware like LibreOffice Writer and Doxillion also save to this file format.

What Does the ODT File do?

An ODT file is actually very similar to a DOCX file. It’s able to incorporate many of the rich text and multimedia aspects of DOCX files. In fact, your ODT file might not be solely text.

ODT files can include:

  • Images
  • Objects

They also retain styles, which makes them different from plain text or rich text files. This is thanks to the file type’s use of XML.

Much like DOCX files, ODT files can be opened by a wide range of software.

How to Open ODT Files

If you’re working with OpenOffice Writer, LibreOffice Writer, or another open-source word processor, you should be able to open your ODT file with that program.

If you’re working on a Mac, then you might have the macOS version of one of these programs. There are also Mac-specific programs, like NeoOffice. For Linux users, there are programs like Calligra Suite.

If you were sent the ODT file, you might be worried that you’ll need to download new software to open it. There’s often no need to get additional software to work with an ODT file, though. You might already have something that can open it up.

Both Microsoft Word and Corel WordPerfect can open ODT files. Of course, you’ll have to have purchased these programs to use them with your ODT files. Neither Microsoft Office nor WordPerfect are free.

That’s one reason people choose to use OpenOffice in the first place. If you don’t have Word, you can also look online for a solution.

There are a few programs that will allow you to view ODT files, like the free online ODT viewer. Keep in mind that this software only lets you look at the file, though. If you want to make changes, you’ll need something more powerful.

Some online solutions, like Google Docs, will let you upload an ODT file. Microsoft Word online can also work with ODT files.

Opening ODT Files on Mobile

There’s good news for those of you working on mobile devices. You can open ODT files on your phone or tablet too.

If you’re an Android user who needs to open an ODT file on the go, you can grab the OOReader app. For iOS, you have a few more choices.

Converting ODT Files

Suppose someone sent you an ODT file. You could use an online viewer to look at the contents, but you need to make changes to the document. Simply viewing the file isn’t enough.

You could also download OpenOffice. That’s a lot of work to be able to work with one file, especially if you already have other word-processing software installed.

If you can get the file open in Word, you may be able to save it to a preferred format like DOCX.

This solution isn’t always perfect, because Word sometimes has trouble rendering the styles in the ODT file. If you tried opening the file and noted it seemed hard to read, then it might make more sense to convert the file before opening it.

There are free online tools you can use to open ODT files and convert them. Converting the file beforehand means you’ll be able to open it up in your program of choice.

Saving to Another File Format

Once you’ve opened an ODT file in a program like Word or WordPerfect, you can save it to another file format. In Word, select “File,” then pick “Save As.” You’ll be able to pick another file format to save to.

If you used an online file converter, you don’t need to save the file to a new format when you open it. You can just save it as normal.

Can You Change the File Extension?

You might wonder if you can just change the file extension to change an ODT file to another format. This trick doesn’t work for ODT files. In some cases, it may even cause problems with the file.

It’s better to look for a trusted conversion service. That way, you can be sure you don’t lose any data or formatting.

The File Still Won’t Open

In rare cases, you may try all of these methods to open an ODT file and it still won’t open. If that’s the case, you might not actually have an ODT file on your hands.

Some file types look very similar. An ODM file is sometimes mistaken for an ODT file, but this is a totally different format. There’s also another type of ODT file, the Origin Dialog Theme.

Handle Any File with Ease

If you have an ODT file, there are plenty of ways to work with it.

Looking for more tips and tricks about converting other types of files? Check out more of our informative guides, and make working with any file a breeze!